ESA CCI Surface Soil Moisture (ESA CCI SM) Changelog ---------------------------------------------------- ESA CCI SM v05.2, public release 2020-09-08 ------------------------------------ - Inclusion of SMAP radiometer data - Improved intercalibration of AMSR2 in the PASSIVE product - Improved retrieval algorithm for PASSIVE data ESA CCI SM v04.7, public release 2020-03-12 ------------------------------------ - Dataset extension to 2019-12-31 - Implementation of LPRMv6 data for all passive sensors ESA CCI SM v04.5, release 2019-10-14 ------------------------------------ - Official release to the general public - Dataset extension to 2018-12-31 ESA CCI SM v04.4, release 2018-11-12 ------------------------------------ - official release to the general public - Dataset extension to 2018-06-30 - To facilitate the temporal extension, the following datasets have been incorporated: GLDAS (v2.1) ASCAT extension product (H114, a temporal extension of H113) - A new method for flagging of high vegetation optical depth (VOD) in LPRM v6 products (AMSR-E, AMSR2 and SMOS in this case) has been used based on the saturation point observed for VOD in each band (i.e. the point at which vegetation is assumed to account for 100% of the signal). - The VOD map used in the Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) regression for gap-filling, has been updated with data from LPRM v6 AMSR-E from 2002 – 2011. - More details are found in the Product Specification Document (PSD) v04.4 in the doc folder. ESA CCI SM v04.3, not released ------------------------------------ - Internal product for inclusion in BAMS state of the climate report 2017. ESA CCI SM v04.2, release 2018-01-18 ------------------------------------ - official release to the general public - More details are found in the Product Specification Document (PSD) v04.2 in the doc folder. ESA CCI SM v04.1, release 2017-08-02 ------------------------------------ - release to project partners and key user group - More details are found in the Product Specification Document (PSD) v2.1 in the doc folder. - GLDAS-Noah soil temperature and Snow Water Equivalent estimates are now used to mask out unreliable retrievals before CDF-Matching (COMBINED only) and TC error estimation (all products) - ALL data sets are now rescaled against GLDAS v1 due to inconsistencies between v1 and v2.0 (COMBINED only) - "frozen" flags of active products are now used to mask out unreliable retrievals in the passive products and vice versa (COMBINED only) - update of AMSR2 data - correction of incorrect metadata in netCDF images (LPRMv06 used for AMSRE, SMOS, and AMSR2 since ESA CCI SM v03.2) ESA CCI SM v04.0, release 2017-03-20 ------------------------------------ - internal release to project partners - bug fixes - spatial gaps in TC-based SNR estimates now filled using a polynomial SNR-VOD regression - sm_uncertainties now available globally for all sensors except SMMR - COMBINED product now generated by merging the active and passive L2 products directly (instead of merging the merged ACTIVE and PASSIVE product) - The p-value based mask to exclude unreliable input data sets in the COMBINED product has been modified - The modified p-value mask is now also applied in the PASSIVE product. - please read the the Product Specification Document (PSD) v1.10 and the readme.txt file for more information ESA CCI SM v03.3, release 2017-11-13 ------------------------------------ - temporal extension of ACTIVE, PASSIVE and COMBINED datasets to 2016-12-31 (inclusive) - please read the the Product Specification Document (PSD) v2.0 and the readme.txt file for more information ESA CCI SM v03.2, release 2017-02-14 ------------------------------------ - official release to the general public - processing chain revised - bug fixes - SMOS temporal coverage extended - soil moisture uncertainty estimates now provided from 1991-08-05 onwards (ACTIVE), and from 1987-07-10 onwards (PASSIVE, and COMBINED) - sm and sm_uncertainty now saved as float32 in NetCDF data files Important: no scale_factor (NetCDF) applied anymore - two new quality flags introduced - please read the the Product Specification Document (PSD) v1.9 and the readme.txt file for more information ESA CCI SM v03.1, release 2016-11-02 ------------------------------------ - release to project partners and key user group - improved blending weight calculation - blending made more conservative concerning the inclusion of single low-accuracy observations (on the cost of temporal coverage) - Integration of Metop-B ASCAT - error estimates which are used for relative weight estimation now provided alongside with the merged soil moisture observations (replacing former error propagation estimates) - Important: uncertainty (noise) estimates not yet available for entire period (see PSD for details) - bug fixes in the data processing chain - More details are found in the Product Specification Document (PSD) v1.8 in the doc folder. ESA CCI SM v03.0, release 2016-04-25 ------------------------------------ - internal release to project partners - introducing new weighted-average based merging scheme - Miras SMOS (LPRM) now integerated into the data products - processing software engine running in Python 2.7x - blending weights provided as ancillary data files - Important: dnFlag, flag, freqbandID, mode, and sensor variable are now re-assigned with different value meaning. Please read PSD v1.7 in the doc folder. ESA CCI SM v02.3, release 2016-02-08 ----------------------------------- - internal data set extension (until end of 2015) - valid_range in netCDF files now set to the packed data range - processing software engine ported from IDL to Python 2.7x ESA CCI SM v02.2, release 2015-12-17 ----------------------------------- - release to the general public - available after registration at project's web site ESA CCI SM v02.2, release 2015-08-06 ----------------------------------- - changes to the five ancillary data files: * latitudes now goes from positive to negative values (same ordering as found in the daily soil moisture files) * new eodc e-mail addresses - readme.txt updated ESA CCI SM v02.2, release 2015-07-31 ----------------------------------- - release to the key usere community - no changes in the dataset itself but changes in NetCDF meta data - new e-mail contact address: and ESA CCI SM v02.2, 2015-03-17 --------------------------- - Project internal release - the temporal coverage is now Nov-1978 to Dec-2014 - improvement in the flagging of the active data where extreme high and low values are filtered - bug fix of the calculation of correlation coefficient R between active and passive data. ESA CCI SM v02.1, 2014-12-03 --------------------------- - name change to ESA CCI SM - bug fix of sensor IDs of ASCAT and all combinations with ASCAT - invalid soil moisture values (flagged with values other than 0) are now set to NaN ECV SM SM v02.0, 2014-07-10 -------------------------- - release to the general public - bug fixes - five ancillary data sets provided in addition to the three data products: * Global land mask used in the ECV SM v02.0 products * Global porosity map derived by applying soil water characteristic equations of Saxton and Rawls (2006) to texture data of the Harmonized World Soil Database v1 * Global AMSR-E VUA-NASA Vegetation Optical Depth averaged over the period 2002-2011 * Global topographic complexity * Global Wetland fraction ECV SM v1.2, 2014-03-03 ----------------------- - available only to CCI project members - all three data sets now also have days included where no observations are available ("empty/blank days/images") ECV SM v1.1, 2014-02-19 ----------------------- - available only to CCI project members - three products available: * Active product: merged data from active sensors * Passive product: merged data from passive sensors * Combined product: the combination of the Active and Passive product - dataset time span: * 1978-11-01 to 2013-12-13 (for the Passive and the Combined product) * 1991-08-05 to 2013-12-13 (for the Active product) - using new land mask based on GSHHG 2.2.2, more detailed coastline - WindSat and preliminary AMSR2 included - using LPRM v05 for all passive sensors - using WARP 5.5 for ASCAT and ERS1/2, WARP 5.4 for ERS2 data - ERS2 included in AMI-WS dataset - active data resampled with Hamming window function - improved rescaling algorithm - data gaps in 20030216 to 20061231 filled with AMSR-E data - data files format: NetCDF-4 classic CF1.5 compliant ECV SM v0.1, 2012-06-18 (First release) --------------------------------------- - included sensors: passive: SMMR, SSM/I, TMI, AMSR-E; active: AMI-WS, ASCAT - dataset time span: 1978-11-01 to 2010-12-31 - only combined product available - data files format: NetCDF-3 classic CF1.5 compliant ------------------------------------------------------------------------ For more information on these products please contact These data were produced as part of the ESA CCI+ Soil Moisture project, contract No. ESRIN 4000126684/19/I-NB. -- Vienna, 8th September 2020. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vienna University of Technology Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation Research Group Climate and Environmental Remote Sensing Wiedner-Hauptstraße 8-10/E120 1040 Vienna Austria Phone: +43 1 58801-12001 E-Mail: ------------------------------------------------------------------------