############################################################### ############################################################### ### ### ### Western Indian Ocean Simulation [ WINDS ] ### ### README ### ### ### ############################################################### ############################################################### | | ############################################################### # Noam Vogt-Vincent & Helen Johnson # ############################################################### | | ###---------------------------------------------------------### # Overview # ###---------------------------------------------------------### The (South)Western Indian Ocean Simulation (WINDS) is a 1/50deg resolution simulation in CROCO v1.1* with lateral ocean forcing from the 1/12deg CMEMS GLORYS12V1 global ocean reanalysis (1993 -2019) and analysis (2020), barotropic tides from TPXO9-atlas-v 2a, atmospheric surface forcing from ERA5, and climatological freshwater fluxes from Dai and Trenberth (2002). WINDS was run in two configurations: a climatological configuration (WINDS-C) forced by monthly climatological ocean and atmosphere forcing, and a multidecadal configuration (WINDS-M) forced by hourly atmospheric forcing and daily ocean forcing. For further technical specifications, please see the accompanying papers. WINDS-C was run for 10 years (following a 5-year spin-up) and WINDS-M was run for 28 years (1993-2020). We have made the following output available from WINDS-C and WINDS-M as netcdf files (all are averages across the respective time period): # 30M FREQUENCY (WINDS-[M/C]_SFC_[YEAR].nc) - Surface current velocity (u_surf/v_surf) # 24H (1D) FREQUENCY (WINDS-[M/C]_SUPP1D_[YEAR].nc) - Surface temperature (temp_surf) - Surface salinity (salt_surf) - Free surface height (zeta) - Depth-averaged velocity (ubar/vbar) - Kinematic wind stress (wstr) - Surface momentum stress (sustr/svstr) - Surface freshwater flux E-P (swflx) - Surface net heat flux (shflx) - SWR at surface (radsw) - LWR at surface (shflx_rlw) - Latent heat flux at surface (shflx_lat) - Sensible heat flux at surface (shflx_sen) # 120H (5D) FREQUENCY (WINDS-[M/C]_SUPP5D_[YEAR].nc) - Temperature (temp) - Salinity (salt) - Velocity (u/v) ~ Vertical velocity (w) can be reconstructed by using bathymetry in the croco_grd.nc file, and the free surface zeta from the daily averages. ~ Please note that CROCO uses a terrain-following s-coordinate vertical grid. All parameters required to reconstruct the vertical grid are found in the croco_grd.nc grid file. Please see the CROCO documentation for further details** # 1Y FREQUENCY (WINDS-[M/C]_SUPPINI_[YEAR].nc) - INI file (full 3D simulation state at the start of the year, used by CROCO to restart a run) You may also wish to download the grid file (croco_grd.nc, identical for WINDS-M and WINDS-C) which contains the land-sea mask, and all data required to use the 3D fields. ###---------------------------------------------------------### # Directory Structure # ###---------------------------------------------------------### WINDS-M/ |- 1993/ | |- WINDS-M_SFC_1993.nc { Half-hourly surface velocity output | |- WINDS-M_SUPP1D_1993.nc { Daily surface output | |- WINDS-M_SUPP5D_1993.nc { 5-daily full 3D output | |- WINDS-M_SUPPINI_1993.nc { Annual initial state |- 1994/ | |- WINDS-M_SFC_1994.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP1D_1994.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP5D_1994.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPPINI_1994.nc : |- 2020/ | |- WINDS-M_SFC_2020.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP1D_2020.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP5D_2020.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPPINI_2020.nc |- 2021/ | |- WINDS-M_SFC_2021.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP1D_2021.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPP5D_2021.nc | |- WINDS-M_SUPPINI_2021.nc |- supplementary_files/ | |- field_def.xml | |- domain_def.xml | |- iodef.xml | |- croco_grd.nc { Grid file | |- croco_runoff.nc { Climatological riverine forcing WINDS-C/ |- year_01/ | |- WINDS-C_SFC_Y1.nc { Half-hourly surface velocity output | |- WINDS-C_SUPP1D_Y1.nc { Daily surface output | |- WINDS-C_SUPP5D_Y1.nc { 5-daily full 3D output | |- WINDS-C_SUPPINI_Y1.nc { Annual initial state |- year_02/ | |- WINDS-C_SFC_Y2.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP1D_Y2.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP5D_Y2.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPPINI_Y2.nc : |- year_09/ | |- WINDS-C_SFC_Y9.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP1D_Y9.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP5D_Y9.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPPINI_Y9.nc |- year_10/ | |- WINDS-C_SFC_Y10.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP1D_Y10.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPP5D_Y10.nc | |- WINDS-C_SUPPINI_Y10.nc |- year_11/ | |- WINDS-C_INI_Y11.nc |- supplementary_files/ | |- field_def.xml | |- domain_def.xml | |- iodef.xml | |- croco_grd.nc { Grid file | |- croco_runoff.nc { Climatological riverine forcing | |- croco_bry.nc { Climatological ocean forcing | |- croco_blk.nc { Climatological atmosphericforcing ###---------------------------------------------------------### # License: CC-BY 4.0 # ###---------------------------------------------------------### ~ Please cite the accompanying paper (TBC) if you have used ~ ~ this product in an academic publication! ~ You are free to: Share - copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format Adapt - remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Under the following terms: Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. * https://www.croco-ocean.org/ ** https://croco-ocean.gitlabpages.inria.fr/croco_doc/model/model.grid.html