This README file includes extra information on the dataset "Model output from 1/4° global JRA55-forced integration of GO8p7 global ocean-sea ice model from 1958 to 2021". Alex Megann, August 2022 General comments ================ This model configuration uses the TEOS10 equation of state, so the temperature and salinity fields (both surface and full-depth) are actually conservative temperature and absolute salinity. Because the XML files were inherited from an older configuration which included an interactive iceberg model, the T files include fields from the iceberg model (specifically FICEBERG and BERG_LATENT_HEAT_FLUX) that have no valid data, since the present configuration does not use the iceberg model, instead deriving iceberg fluxes from climatology. The bottom pressure is saved in double precision to enable its variability to be clearly distinguished from the large time-averaged values of the field. The scalar files (monthly and annual) include global mean SSH (both dynamic and steric), ocean volume and ocean mass, as well as the global thickness-weighted temperature and salinity. Annual files ============ These do not include annual means of sea ice fields, as these were not considered particularly useful (and are straightforward to calculate from the monthly fields anyway). 5-day files =========== The 5-day U and V files contain the respective surface velocity components and wind stress components. The 5-day T files contain SST, SSS, SSH, MLD, downward surface heat flux, sea ice cover and bottom pressure (the latter at double precision).