ReCICLE project downscaled projections, obtained by running the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean (NEMO) and European Regional Seas Ecosystem Model (ERSEM) coupled physics-biogeochemistry climate model, forced with lateral and atmospheric boundary conditions from the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, GFDL-ESM2G, Earth System Model from the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project collection, CMIP5, running under the RCP8.5 emission scenario. ReCICLE project projection outputs from NEMO-ERSEM forced with lateral and atmospheric boundary conditions from the Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace Coupled Model with mid-resolution, IPSL-CM5A-MR, can be found here: NEMO_ERSEM_GFDL Forcing field references: NEMO atmospheric and lateral boundary conditions (temperature, salinity, ocean currents, wind velocity, atmospheric pressure, solar radiation, humidity and precipitation) from GFDL-ESM2G CMIP5 earth system model, rcp8.5 IPCC scenario (Dunne et al. 2012 NEMO River discharge from Vorosmarty et al., 2000 ( modulated by the change in annual ESM precipitation aggregated over four land regions. NEMO tidal forcing from O’Dea et al., 2017 ( ERSEM lateral boundary conditions from GFDL-ESM2G CMIP5 earth system model, rcp8.5 IPCC scenario (Dunne et al. 2012; Where variables were not present (e.g. plankton functional types) they were set to low values. ERSEM River Nutrient loads from Ciavatta et al., 2018, ( multiplied by river discharge. ERSEM athmospheric CO2 partial pressure from Riahi et al., 2007 ( ERSEM light attenuation coefficient from CMEMS ocean colour products (level 3 product 009_086, ERSEM atmospheric Nitrogen deposition from the EMEP project ( Baltic lateral boundary conditions are climatological, being derived from the World Ocean Atlas (Boyer et al. 2018) for physics, and from a reanalysis product (Kay et al. 2020, for biogeochemistry. Tidal forcing is as described in O'Dea et al. 2017 (10.5194/gmd-10-2947-2017). Scientific paper that includes the dataset: Galli, G., Wakelin, S., Harle, J., Holt, J., and Artioli, Y.: Intra-scenario variability of trends and controls of near-bed oxygen concentration on the Northwest European Continental Shelf under climate change, EGUsphere [preprint],, 2023. Variables: ------------------- DAILY BGC VARIABLES ------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; N1_p:long_name = "phosphate phosphorus" ; N3_n:long_name = "nitrate nitrogen" ; N4_n:long_name = "ammonium nitrogen" ; N5_s:long_name = "silicate silicate" ; O2_o:long_name = "dissolved oxygen" ; P1_c:long_name = "diatoms carbon" ; P1_Chl:long_name = "diatom chlorophyll-a" ; P2_c:long_name = "nanophytoplankton carbon" ; P2_Chl:long_name = "nanophytoplankton chlorophyll-a" ; P3_c:long_name = "picophytoplankton carbon" ; P3_Chl:long_name = "picophytoplankton chlorophyll-a" ; P4_c:long_name = "microphytoplankton carbon" ; P4_Chl:long_name = "microphytoplankton chlorophyll-a" ; light_xEPS:long_name = "light attenuation coefficient of shortwave flux" ; e3t:long_name = "T-cell thickness" ; --------------------- MONTHLY BGC VARIABLES --------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; O3_c:long_name = "carbonate total dissolved inorganic carbon" ; O3_TA:long_name = "carbonate total alkalinity" ; O3_pH:long_name = "carbonate pH on total scale" ; B1_c:long_name = "bacteria carbon" ; B1_n:long_name = "bacteria nitrogen" ; P1_n:long_name = "diatoms nitrogen" ; P2_n:long_name = "nanophytoplankton nitrogen" ; P3_n:long_name = "picophytoplankton nitrogen" ; P4_n:long_name = "microphytoplankton nitrogen" ; P1_fO3PIc:long_name = "diatom gross primary production" ; P1_fPIO3c:long_name = "diatom respiration" ; P2_fO3PIc:long_name = "nanophytoplankton gross primary production" ; P2_fPIO3c:long_name = "nanophytoplankton respiration" ; P3_fO3PIc:long_name = "picophytoplankton gross primary production" ; P3_fPIO3c:long_name = "picophytoplankton respiration" ; P4_fO3PIc:long_name = "microphytoplankton gross primary production" ; P4_fPIO3c:long_name = "microphytoplankton respiration" ; Z4_c:long_name = "mesozooplanktom carbon" ; Z5_c:long_name = "microzooplanktom carbon" ; Z6_c:long_name = "nanoflagellates carbon" ; Z5_n:long_name = "microzooplanktom nitrogen" ; Z6_n:long_name = "nanoflagellates nitrogen" ; Ztot_resp:long_name = "total zooplankton respiration" ; B1_resp:long_name = "bacteria respiration" ; R4_n:long_name = "small-size pom nitrogen" ; R6_n:long_name = "medium-size pom nitrogen" ; R8_n:long_name = "large-size pom nitrogen" ; O3_fair:long_name = "air-sea flux of CO2" ; net_PelBen_POC_flux:long_name = "particulate orgainc carbon net pelagic-to-benthos flux" ; e3t:long_name = "T-cell thickness" ; --------------------------- DAILY PHYS grid_T VARIABLES --------------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; Temp:long_name = "sea water potential temperature" ; Sal:long_name = "sea water salinity" ; mldr10_1:long_name = "Mixed Layer Depth (dsigma = 0.01 wrt 10m)" ; nutracer:long_name = "tracer vertical eddy diffusivity" ; INP_rono3:long_name = "riverine oxidised nitrogen input" ; INP_ronh4:long_name = "riverine reduced nitrogen input" ; qsr:long_name = "surface net downward shortwave flux" ; e3t:long_name = "T-cell thickness" ; --------------------------- DAILY PHYS grid_U VARIABLES --------------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; uoce:long_name = "sea water x velocity" ; --------------------------- DAILY PHYS grid_V VARIABLES --------------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; voce:long_name = "sea water y velocity" ; --------------------------- DAILY PHYS grid_W VARIABLES --------------------------- time:long_name = "time axis" ; depth:long_name = "depth" ; lat:long_name = "latitude" ; lon:long_name = "longitude" ; woce:long_name = "sea water w velocity" ;