Data are stored in ASCII All values are integers Pressures are stored as hectapascals (hPa) * 100 missing data are set to -32768 The month and year are stored at the start of each month. Data Array (72x37) Item (1,1) stores the value for the 5-deg-area centred at 180W and 90N Item (72,37) stores the value for the 5-deg-area centred at 175E and 90S The first and last lines are centred on the poles and the middle one covers 2.5 degrees either side of the Equator. ----------- | | | | MON | YR | |_____|_____|__________________________________ 90N |(1,1) | | | | | | | | | | | Equ | | | | | | | | | | | | 90S |(1,37)_________________________________(72,37)| 180W 0 180E The following Fortran fragment will read the month into MON, the year into IYR and the anomaly values for the month into the integer array IANOM (72,37). To get anomalies in hPa, IANOM must then be divided by 100.0. The UNIT parameter is set as 10 INTEGER IANOM (72,37) 1 CONTINUE READ(10,'( 2I6)',END=2) MON,IYR READ(10,'(72I6)' ) IANOM GOTO 1 2 CONTINUE