EUFAR Data Archive

The EUFAR dataset combines data from the projects and training courses funded under the European Facility for Airborne Research in Environmental and Geo-sciences (EUFAR) FP7 project (2008-2013) and its successor EUFAR2 (2014-2018). EUFAR is an Integrating Activity of the 7th Framework Program of the European Commission. EUFAR2 brings together 24 European institutions and organisations involved in airborne research, operating 18 instrumented aircraft and providing access to 3 hyperspectral instruments. Data include measurements by airborne in situ atmospheric instuments and hyperspectral instruments operated on board aircraft of the EUFAR fleet during projects funded under transnational access and during training events for both EUFAR and EUFAR2.

EUFAR Flight Finder - EFF

EUFAR Flight finder

The EUFAR Flight Finder tool (EFF) has been developed at CEDA as part of the EUFAR2 N8DB data archive work-package. This is a geospatial-temporal search interface to locate EUFAR data within the EUFAR data archive at CEDA and can be found at

The aim of the EFF is to facilitate the location and identification of EUFAR flights and to link to the appropriate data files in the archive. Users can search by geographical area on a map interface, by temporal constraints or using key words or parameter names. Results are displayed on the map; clicking on a flight will show further details and links to the data. Help sheets and a Tutorial video are provided to get you started.

Data Access

As EUFAR and EUFAR2 are EU-funded projects, data in the EUFAR archive are available to all users registered with the CEDA (anyone can register). This is an online, click-through application.

All users are required to acknowledge the data providers in any publication based on EUFAR data.

The table below shows the data archived for each EUFAR-related project. The table can be sorted by project name, date or aircraft used.
For more information see the EUFAR dataset catalogue record at BADC   The main EUFAR website   The EUFAR data archive

Project name

(sort by project A-Z)

link to data

(sort by date)



Aircraft Used
(sort by aircraft)

ACAS get data 22-24 April 2008 Utrecht, Netherlands EUFAR Office FAAM-BAE-146
ALISA get data 1 February 2010 - 31 March 2010 Larsen Ice Shelf, Antarctica Roberta PIRAZZINI AWI-POLAR5
Eyjafjallajokull get data 14 April 2010 - 31 May 2010 Various, Northern Europe BADC SAFIRE-ATR42
MORE get data 12 June 2010 - 26 June 2010 Matera, Italy Giandomenico PACE KIT-ENDURO
VESSAER get data 12 June 2010 - 26 June 2010 Corsica, France Gregory ROBERTS KIT-ENDURO
A-NEW get data 14 July 2010 - 16 July 2010 Lisbon, Portugal Jose DA SILVA NERC-ARSF-DO228
T-MAPP-FP7 get data 14-22 July 2010 Tiober Valley, Italy Riccardo SALVINI INTA-CASA-212-RS
AIRES-CZM get data 19 July 2010 - 20 July 2010 Santander, Spain Elena CASTILLO-LOPEZ NERC-ARSF-DO228
EDOCROS get data 19 July 2010 Piacenza, Italy Roberto COLOMBO INTA-CASA-212-RS
AIMWETLAB get data 16 August 2010 - 26 August 2010 Balaton Peninsula, Hungary Andras ZLINSZKY NERC-ARSF-DO228
ADDRESSS get data 17 August 2010 - 28 August 2010 Tihany, Hungary Andras ZLINSZKY NERC-ARSF-DO228
VERDRILLT get data 18 August 2010 - 29 August 2010 Iberian Peninsula, Spain/Portugal Maria Dolores ANDRES HERNANDEZ INTA-CASA-212-AR
ARMSRACE get data 19 August 2010 Sarviz Valley, Hungary Mate STIBRANYI NERC-ARSF-DO228
HYMOWEB get data 23 August 2010 - 3 September 2010 Brussels, Belgium Okke BATELAN INTA-CASA-212-RS
HyperForest get data 23 August 2010 - 3 September 2010 Belgium Luc BERTELS INTA-CASA-212-RS
i-WAKE2 get data 24 August 2010 - 6 September 2010 Madeira, Portugal Rui CALDEIRA SAFIRE-ATR42
GEOMAD get data 25 August 2010 - 5 September 2010 Madeira, Portugal Machiel BOS SAFIRE-ATR42
BIOHYPE get data 1 September 2010 - 2 September 2010 Ghent, Belgium Frank VEROUSTRAETE INTA-CASA-212-RS
TETRAD get data 10-18 September 2010 Toulon-Hyeres Airport (South of France) Alessandra Sabina LANOTTE SAFIRE-ATR42
ICARE-QAD get data 25 October 2010 - 4 November 2010 Toulouse, France Radovan KREJCI KIT-ENDURO
ValCalHyp get data 28 October, 2010 Toulouse, France Eyal BEN-DOR NERC-ARSF-DO228
SRMGlaciers get data 1 January 2011 - 23 January 2011 Sor Rondane Mountains, Antarctica Kenichi MATSUOKA AWI-POLAR5
HYMEDECOS-Erosion get data 3 April 2011 - 5 April 2011 North East Spain Hermann KAUFMANN NERC-ARSF-DO228
HyMedEcos-Gradients get data 7 April 2011 Alentejo region, southern Portugal Patrick HOSTERT NERC-ARSF-DO228
DeInVader get data 08 April 2011 Southwest Portugal Andre GROSSE-STOLTENBERG NERC-ARSF-DO228
LADUNEX get data 30 May 2011 - 28 June 2011 Fuerteventura, Spain Harald SODEMANN FAAM-BAE-146
RAIN4DUST get data 30 May 2011 - 28 June 2011 Central Saharan mountains, Chad Kerstin SCHEPANSKI SAFIRE-FALCON20
BLLATE2 get data 14 June 2011 - 8 July 2011 Lannemezan, France Jordi VILA GUERAU DE ARELLANO IBIMET-SkyArrow
BLLATE1 get data 15 June 2011 - 25 June 2011 Lannemezan, France David PINO SAFIRE-PIPER-AZTEC
SVALBD_PGLACIAL2 get data 27 June 2011 - 29 July 2011 Ny-Alesund, Svalbard, Norway Susan CONWAY NERC-ARSF-DO228
IMROM get data 29 June 2011 - 2 July 2011 Rosia Montana, west-central Romania Stephanie DELALIEUX INTA-CASA-212-RS
UR-TIR get data 04 July 2011 - 15 July 2011 Munich and Bochum, Germany Carsten JUERGENS INTA-CASA-212-RS
DeMinTIR get data 18 July 2011 - 22 July 2011 Sokolov, Czech Republic Veronika KOPACKOVA INTA-CASA-212-RS
HABlakes get data 01 August 2011 - 30 September 2011 Mantua, Northern Italy Claudia GIARDINO APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
SEDMEDHY get data 08 August 2011 - 13 August 2011 Toledo, Spain Thomas SCHMID NERC-ARSF-DO228
SONATA get data 24 August 2011 - 27 August 2011 Perscara, Italy Piero Di Carlo FAAM-BAE-146
AEGEAN-GAME get data 31 August 2011 - 4 September 2011 Chania, Greece Maria TOMBROU-TZELLA FAAM-BAE-146
ACEMED get data 2 September 2011 Chania, Greece Vassilis AMIRIDIS FAAM-BAE-146
HYPERSTRESS get data 5 September 2011 - 19 September 2011 Valencia area, eastern Spain Pablo J. ZARCO-TEJADA APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
DRAMAC get data 07 October 2011 - 09 October 2011 Kiruna, Sweden Pavel KOTEN DLR-FALCON20
REFLEX get data 25 July 2012 - 26 July 2012 Albacete, Spain Prof Bob Su, University of Twente-ITC, via the EUFAR office INTA-CASA-212-RS
ICELAND_DEBRISFLOWS get data 15 August 2012 Sugandafjorour and Skutulsfjorour in the Westfjords, Iceland Armelle DECAULNE NERC-ARSF-DO228
HyMountEcos get data 10 September 2012 Giant Mountains (Karkonosze/Krkonose) National Park. Border of the Czech Republic and Poland Bogdan ZAGAJEWSKI DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
WaLiTemp get data 10 September 2012 to 8 November 2012 Montpellier, France. Mediterranean Basin Paolo DI GIROLAMO SAFIRE-ATR42
HYPPOS get data 27 September 2014 Mantua, Northern Italy Claudia GIARDINO APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
DEHESHyrE get data 23 April and 3 July 2015 Las Majadas del Tieta, Spain MIGLIAVACCA Mirco INTA-CASA-212-RS
MEDHY2CON get data 18th June 2015 Mallorca, Spain ESTRANY Joan NERC-ARSF-DO228
AHSPECT get data 23 June 2015 Toulouse, France ROUJEAN Jean-louis NERC-ARSF-DO228
ISOTHERM get data 24 June 2015 Mont Blanc, France RABATEL Antoine NERC-ARSF-DO228
SWAMP get data 15 July 2015 Rzecin peatland site (PolWet) Site, western Poland Radek JUSZCZAK APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
UrbSense get data 10 July 2015 Brussels (Belgium), Ghent (Belgium), Leuven (Belgium) SOMERS Ben INTA-CASA-212-RS
HILBILLY get data 10-11 July 2015 Lake Biel and Lake Geneva, Switzerland HUNTER Peter APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
HOLUHRAUN_HAZ get data July 2015 Central Iceland HOSKULDSSON Armann NERC-ARSF-DO228
HYMOSENS2 get data Aug-Sep 2015 Ain, France DEMARCHI Luca NERC-ARSF-DO228
SAVEX get data 16-25 August 2015 Cape Verde Islands Victor ESTELLES FAAM-BAE-146
HIDHAZ_N_ICELAND get data 06 Sep 2015 Mafellshyrna, Iceland DECAULNE Armelle NERC-ARSF-DO228
UrbSense get data 10 July 2015 Brussels (Belgium), Ghent (Belgium), Leuven (Belgium) SOMERS Ben INTA-CASA-212-RS
SWAMP get data 15 July 2015 Rzecin peatland site (PolWet) Site, western Poland Radek JUSZCZAK APEX-DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
AROMAPEX get data 21 April 2016 Berlin, Germany DLR-DO228/D-CFFU
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*NERC-ARSF-D0228 data is stored in the NEODC ARSF archive but accessible via the EUFAR archive

**FAAM BAE-146 data is stored in the BADC FAAM archive but accessible via the EUFAR archive

This page was last updated Mon, 13 Feb 2017 11:58:11 UT