Code table 3 -- Fixed levels or layers for which the data are included from the ECMWF publication "Binary data representation - FM 92 GRIB", May 1992 Note that octets 10, 11 and 12 from GRIB section 1 represent an Indicator of type of level, and the Height/pressure etc of the levels. These appear in the output of the GRIB extraction software as "Type of level" and "Value 1 of level", "Value 2 of level", for example: Type of level (Code Table 3). 112 Value 1 of level (Code Table 3). 0 Value 2 of level (Code Table 3). 7 Octet 10 Octet 11 Octet 12 Code figure Meaning Contents 00 01 Ground surface 02 Cloud base level 03 Level of cloud tops 0 0 04 Level of O deg. C isotherm 05 Level of adiabatic condensation 06 Maximum wind level 07 Tropopause 08 \ . . Reserved . 99 / 100 Isobaric surface Pressure in hPa (2 octets) 101 Layer between two Pressure of top Pressure of bottom isobaric surfaces in kPa in kPa 102 Mean sea-level 0 0 103 Specified altitude Altitude in metres (2 octets) 104 Layer between two Altitude of top Altitude of bottom specified altitudes in hm in hm 105 Specified height level Height in metres (2 octets) (above ground) 106 Layer between two Height of top Height of bottom specified height levels in hm in hm (above ground) 107 Sigma level Sigma value In 1/10 000 (2 octets) 108 Layer between two Sigma value of top Sigma value of sigma levels in 1/100 bottom In 1/100 109 Hybrid level Level number (2 octets) 110 Layer between two Level number of Level number of hybrid levels top bottom 111 Depth below land surface Depth In centimetres (2 octets) 112 Layer between two depths Depth of upper Depth of lower below land surface surface (cm) surface (cm) 113 \ . . Reserved . 120 / 121 Layer between two 1100 hPa minus 1100 hPa minus isobaric surfaces pressure of top pressure of bottom (high precision) in hPa in hPa 122 \ . . Reserved . 127 / 128 Layer between two 1.1 minus sigma 1.1 minus sigma sigma levels (high of top, In 1/1000 of bottom, in precision) of sigma 1/1000 of sigma 129 \ . . Reserved . 140 / 141 Layer between two Pressure of top 1100 hPa minus isobaric surfaces in kPa pressure of bottom (mixed precision) in hPa 142 \ . . Reserved . 159 / 160 Depth below sea-level Depth In metres (2 octets) 161 \ . . Reserved . 254 /