C NGRB .... GRIB codes according to ECMWF local Code Table 2 C C NGRBAT - 127 Atmospheric tide C NGRBBV - 128 Budget values C NGRBZ - 129 Geopotential (at the surface, orography) C NGRBT - 130 Temperature C NGRBU - 131 U-velocity C NGRBV - 132 V-velocity C NGRBQ - 133 Specific humidity C NGRBSP - 134 Surface pressure C NGRBW - 135 Vertical velocity C NGRBTCW - 136 Total column water C NGRBTCWV - 137 Total column water vapour C NGRBVO - 138 Vorticity (relative) C NGRBSTL1 - 139 Surface temperature level 1 C NGRBSWL1 - 140 Soil wetness level 1 C NGRBSD - 141 Snow depth C NGRBLSP - 142 Large scale precipitation C NGRBCP - 143 Convective precipitation C NGRBSF - 144 Snow fall C NGRBBLD - 145 Boundary layer dissipation C NGRBSSHF - 146 Surface sensible heat flux C NGRBSLHF - 147 Surface latent heat flux C NGRB148 - 148 Not used C NGRB149 - 149 Not used C NGRB150 - 150 Not used C NGRBMSL - 151 Mean sea level pressure C NGRBLNSP - 152 Log surface pressure C NGRB153 - 153 Not used C NGRB154 - 154 Not used C NGRBD - 155 Divergence C NGRBGH - 156 Height C NGRBR - 157 Relative humidity C NGRBTSP - 158 Tendency of surface pressure C NGRB159 - 159 Not used C NGRBSDOR - 160 Standard deviation of orography C NGRBISOR - 161 Anisotropy of subgrid scale orography C NGRBANOR - 162 Angle of subgrid scale orography C NGRBSLOR - 163 Slope of subgrid scale orography C NGRBTCC - 164 Total cloud cover C NGRB1OU - 165 10 metre u wind C NGRB1OV - 166 10 metre v wind C NGRB2T - 167 2 metre temperature C NGRB2D - 168 2 metre dewpoint temperature C NGRB169 - 169 Not used C NGRBSTL2 - 170 Soil temperature level 2 C NGRBSWL2 - 171 Soil wetness level 2 C NGRBLSM - 172 Land/sea mask C NGRBSR - 173 Surface roughness C NGRBAL - 174 Albedo C NGRB175 - 175 Not used C NGRBSSR - 176 Surface solar radiation C NGRBSTR - 177 Surface thermal radiation C NGRBTSR - 178 Top solar radiation C NGRBTTR - 179 Top thermal radiation C NGRBEWSS - 180 U-stress C NGRBNSSS - 181 V-stress C NGRBE - 182 Evaporation C NGRBSTL3 - 183 Soil temperature level 3 C NGRBSWL3 - 184 Soil wetness level 3 C NGRBCCC - 185 Convective cloud cover C NGRBLCC - 186 Low cloud cover C NGRBMCC - 187 Medium cloud cover C NGRBHCC - 188 High cloud cover C NGRB189 - 189 Not used C NGRBEWOV - 190 EW Component of sub-grid scale orographic variance C NGRBNSOV - 191 NS component of sub-grid scale orographic variance C NGRBNWOV - 192 NWSE component of sub-grid scale orographic variance C NGRBNEOV - 193 NESW component of sub-grid scale orographic variance C NGRB194 - 194 Not used C NGRBLGWS - 195 Latitudinal component of gravity wave stress C NGRBMGWS - 196 Meridional component of gravity wave stress C NGRBGWD - 197 Gravity wave dissipation C NGRBSRC - 198 Skin reservoir content C NGRBVEG - 199 Percentage of vegetation C NGRBVSO - 200 Variance of sub-grid scale orography C NGRBMX2T - 201 Maximum temperature at 2m since last post-processing C NGRBMN2T - 202 Minimum temperature at 2m since last post-processing C NGRB203 - 203 Not used C NGRBPAW - 204 Precipitation analysis weights C NGRBRO - 205 Runoff C NGRB206 - 206 Not used C NGRB207 - 207 Not used C NGRB208 - 208 Not used C NGRB209 - 209 Not used C NGRB210 - 210 Not used C NGRB211 - 211 Not used C NGRB212 - 212 Not used C NGRB213 - 213 Not used C NGRB214 - 214 Not used C NGRB215 - 215 Not used C NGRB216 - 216 Not used C NGRB217 - 217 Not used C NGRB218 - 218 Not used C NGRB219 - 219 Not used C NGRB220 - 220 Not used C NGRB221 - 221 Not used C NGRB222 - 222 Not used C NGRB223 - 223 Not used C NGRB224 - 224 Not used C NGRB225 - 225 Not used C NGRB226 - 226 Not used C NGRB227 - 227 Not used C NGRBTP - 228 Total precipitation C NGRBIEWS - 229 Instantaneous X-surface stress C NGRBINSS - 230 Instantaneous y-surface stress C NGRBISHF - 231 Instantaneous surface heat flux C NGRBIE - 232 Instantaneous moisture flux (evaporation) C NGRBASQ - 233 Apparent surface humidity C NGRBDSRH - 234 Logarithm of surface roughness length for heat C NGRBSKT - 235 Skin temperature C NGRBSTL4 - 236 Soil temperature level 4 C NGRBSWL4 - 237 Soil wetness level 4 C NGRBTSN - 238 Temperature of snow layer C NGRBCSF - 239 Convective snow-fall C NGRBLSF - 240 Large scale snow-fall C NGRB241 - 241 Not used C NGRB242 - 242 Not used C NGRBFAL - 243 Forecast albedo C NGRBFSR - 244 Forecast surface roughness C NGRBFLSR - 245 Forecast logarithm of surface roughness for heat C NGRBCLWC - 246 Cloud liquid water content C NGRBCIWC - 247 Cloud ice water content C NGRBCC - 248 Cloud cover C