CMIP5 data and search tool ========================== This collection contains around 2,800,000 current files, plus a few obsolete ones. The text file "/badc/cmip5/metadata/fileList_20150706.txt" contains a list of files. This file list can be explored using the python script "" provided in the software directory: /badc/cmip5/software/ To use "", first run "", in a directory containing "fileList_20150706.txt". "" and "" rely on the python "whoosh" module, which can be installed using "pip install Whoosh". Creating an index may take some time, but once created the script provides a responsive interface. (1) Explore e.g. m=HadCM3 e=historical # returns the number of files matching model name HadCM3 and exepriment historical and their total volume -f m=HadCM3 e=historical # returns a list of the additional facets which can be used to refine the search -ftp m=HadCM3 e=historical -v=tasmax -f=mon # creates an ftp script which can be used download all hadCM3, historical, monthly tasmax data (provided you have access authorised and a .netrc file on your computer containing your access credentials).