

Directory Structures
File Naming Convention
Points of Contact


Directory Structures for the CDs

The directory structures for each of the CDs are listed here.

CIDC 1 Directory Structure:

CIDC 1 Directory Structure:

                 |   |--atmo_constituents
                 |   |    |--greenhouse_gases
                 |   |    +--toms_ozone
                 |   |         +--yyyy
                 |   |--biosphere
                 |   |    |--avhrr_ndvi
                 |   |    |    +--yyyy
                 |   |    |--czcs_color
                 |   |    |    |--yyyy
                 |   |    |    +--climate
                 |   |    +--land_cover
                 |   |--hydrology
                 |   |    |--precip
                 |   |    |    |--gpcp
                 |   |    |    |    |--gpcc
                 |   |    |    |    |    |--yyyy
                 |   |    |    |    |    +--systematic_errors
                 |   |    |    |    +--gpcp_v1a_cmb
                 |   |    |    |         +--yyyy
                 |   |    |    +--smmr_monsoon
                 |   |    |         |--yyyy
                 |   |    |         |--clim
                 |   |    |         +--harm
                 |   |    |--sea_ice
                 |   |    |    +--yyyy
                 |   |    |--smmr_snow
                 |   |    |    +--yyyy
                 |   |    |--soil
                 |   |    +--ssmi_wvap
                 |   |         +--yyyy
                 |   +--remote_sensing_science
                 |   |    +--erbe_angle
                 |   |         |--lwanis
                 |   |         |--lwflux
                 |   |         |--lwstdv
                 |   |         |--swalbd
                 |   |         |--swanis
                 |   |         |--swcorr
                 |   |         +--swstdv
                 |   +--surf_temp_press
                 |        |--ncep_sst
                 |        |    |--anom
                 |        |    |    +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--clim
                 |        |    +--sst
                 |        |	    +--yyyy
                 |        |--soi
                 |        +--tmp_dev
                 |             |--e_anglia
                 |             |    |--yyyy
                 |             |    |--decades1851-1990
                 |             |    +--global_means
                 |             +--giss
                 |   |--decompression
                 |   |--grads
                 |   |    |--alpha
                 |   |	  |--dat
                 |   |    |--doc
                 |   |    |   |--cards
                 |   |    |   |--doty
                 |   |    |   |--etc
                 |   |    |   |--fiorino
                 |   |    |   |--gagui
                 |   |    |   |--hoop
                 |   |    |   |--images
                 |   |    |   |--magick
                 |   |    |   |--manual
                 |   |    |   +--tutorial
                 |   |	  |--hpux
                 |   |	  |--irix5
                 |   |	  |--lib
                 |   |    |   +--functions
                 |   |	  |--linux5
                 |   |    |--mac
                 |   |    |--msdos
                 |   |	  |--sunos4
                 |   |	  +--win32
                 |   |--read_cidc_sftwr
                 |   +--xwin
CIDC 2 Directory Structure:

                 |   +--assim_atmo_dyn
                 |        |--one_layer_diag
                 |        |    |--cldfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--evap
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--olr
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--osr
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--pbl
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--preacc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--q2m
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--qint
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--radlwg
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--radswg
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--radswt
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--t2m
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--tg
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--ustar
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--vintuq
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--vintvq
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--winds
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    +--z0
                 |        |	   +--yyyy
                 |        |--surf_prog
                 |        |    |--lwi
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--psptop
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    +--slp
                 |        |	   +--yyyy
                 |        +--upper_air_prog
                 |             |--hght
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--sphu
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--tmpu
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--uwnd
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             +--vwnd
                 |      	   +--yyyy
                 |   |--decompression
                 |   |--grads
                 |   |    |--alpha
                 |   |	  |--dat
                 |   |    |--doc
                 |   |    |   |--cards
                 |   |    |   |--doty
                 |   |    |   |--etc
                 |   |    |   |--fiorino
                 |   |    |   |--gagui
                 |   |    |   |--hoop
                 |   |    |   |--images
                 |   |    |   |--magick
                 |   |    |   |--manual
                 |   |    |   +--tutorial
                 |   |	  |--hpux
                 |   |	  |--irix5
                 |   |	  |--lib
                 |   |    |   +--functions
                 |   |	  |--linux5
                 |   |    |--mac
                 |   |    |--msdos
                 |   |	  |--sunos4
                 |   |	  +--win32
                 |   |--read_cidc_sftwr
                 |   +--xwin
CIDC 3 Directory Structure:

                 |   +--radiation_clouds
                 |        |--erbe_rad
                 |        |        |--yyyy
                 |        |        +--gif
                 |	  |--isccp_c2
                 |	  |    |--cldfrc
                 |	  |    |   +--yyyy
                 |	  |    |--cldprs
                 |	  |    |   +--yyyy
                 |	  |    |--cldtau
                 |	  |    |   +--yyyy
                 |	  |    |--cldtmp
                 |	  |    |   +--yyyy
                 |	  |    |--srfref
                 |	  |    |   +--yyyy
                 |	  |    +--srftmp
                 |	  |        +--yyyy
                 |        |--isccp_d2
                 |        |    |--acifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--aclfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--asifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--aslfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cldfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cldprs
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cldtau
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cldtmp
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--cldwpt
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--clfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--crfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--crsfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--dcfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irhfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irhprs
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irhtmp
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irlfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irlprs
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irltmp
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irmfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irmprs
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--irmtmp
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--iscvr
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--nsifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--nslfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--scifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--sclfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--sifrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--slfrc
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--srfref
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--srftmp
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--tvprs
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--tvprw1
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    |--tvprw6
                 |        |    |   +--yyyy
                 |        |    +--tvtmp
                 |        |	   +--yyyy
                 |        |--solar_irrad
                 |        |--solrad_sw
                 |        |    |--yyyy
                 |        |    +--srfrad_gif
                 |        +--srb
                 |             |--cp
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--lwcs
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--lwdwn
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--lwnet
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--swcs
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             |--swdwn
                 |             |   +--yyyy
                 |             +--swnet
                 |      	   +--yyyy
                 |   |--decompression
                 |   |--grads
                 |   |    |--alpha
                 |   |	  |--dat
                 |   |    |--doc
                 |   |    |   |--cards
                 |   |    |   |--doty
                 |   |    |   |--etc
                 |   |    |   |--fiorino
                 |   |    |   |--gagui
                 |   |    |   |--hoop
                 |   |    |   |--images
                 |   |    |   |--magick
                 |   |    |   |--manual
                 |   |    |   +--tutorial
                 |   |	  |--hpux
                 |   |	  |--irix5
                 |   |	  |--lib
                 |   |    |   +--functions
                 |   |	  |--linux5
                 |   |    |--mac
                 |   |    |--msdos
                 |   |	  |--sunos4
                 |   |	  +--win32
                 |   |--read_cidc_sftwr
                 |   +--xwin

CIDC 4 Directory Structure:

                 |   +--tovs_atmo_sound
                 |        |--cltemp
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--fcld
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--fcld7
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--lwf
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--olr
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--pcld
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--prc
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--prwat
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--sprc
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        |--tcld
                 |        |   +--yyyy
                 |        +--tsurf
                 |            +--yyyy
                 |   +--decompression
                 |   |--grads
                 |   |	  |--dat
                 |   |    |--doc
                 |   |    |   |--cards
                 |   |    |   |--doty
                 |   |    |   |--etc
                 |   |    |   |--fiorino
                 |   |    |   |--gagui
                 |   |    |   |--hoop
                 |   |    |   |--images
                 |   |    |   |--magick
                 |   |    |   |--manual
                 |   |    |   +--tutorial
                 |   |	  |--irix5
                 |   |	  |--lib
                 |   |    |   +--functions
                 |   |	  |--sunos4
                 |   |	  +--win32
                 |   |--read_cidc_sftwr
                 |   +--xwin


File Naming Convention



          xxxxxxxx   = data product designator (8 chars maximum)
          pppppp     = parameter name (6 chars maximum)
          llctgrr    = code for spatial/temporal resolution & coverage
          yy         = year
          mm         = month number
          sss        = file type designator

A more detailed description follows:

   xxxxxxxx  : tells the user something about where the data came from. This 
               could be either an instrument, a project, or in the case of 
               model output data, an experiment number.
               Examples:  assim54a,  tovsnf (ng is the noaa10 satellite

   pppppp    : parameter name
               examples: temp, sphum, ndvi

   lctgrr    : l = number of levels (1 - 99)

               c = vertical coordinate 
                        p = pressure level, 
                        s = surface,
                        n = not applicable)

               t = temporal period, with the following definitions:

                        m  =   monthly (30 day averages)
                        c  =   climate monthly
                        x  =   climate
                        a  =   annual

               g = horizontal grid resolution, with the following definitions
                   (first number is latitude increment):
                        a  =   5 deg lat x 5 deg lon
                        b  =   2.00 deg lat x 2.50 deg lon
                        c  =   1.00 deg lat x 1.25 deg lon
                        d  =   2 deg lat x 2 deg lon
                        e  =   1 deg lat x 1 deg lon
                        f  =   8 km x 8 km
                        g  =   2 deg x 5 deg
                        h  =   2.5 deg x 2.5 deg
                        n  =   not applicable 
                        p  =   point data
                    others may be added in the future.

               rr = spatial coverage, with the following definitions:
                        gl =   global land  , e.g. avhrr pathfinder
                        go =   global ocean , e.g. ncep sst
                        gg =   global (land & ocean)  e.g. dao, tovs
                        o1 =   ocean region 1 (smmr monsoon) 
   yymm      : data of data

               yy = year (e.g. 87=1987)

               mm = month (e.g. 07=july)

   ddd       : file type designator

               bin = binary file (IEEE 32-bit floating point)
                gz = compressed binary file (gzip)
               ctl = GrADS meta-data file
               gif = image file (graphical interchange format)
               asc or ascii = text file (ascii)



Each of the CIDC CD-ROMS contain a software directory. The content of these directories are the following:

aareadme          Readme file which describes the content of the software 
decompression/    Directory that contains decompression software. See the
                  aareadme in the decompression directory for more 
grads/            Directory that contains Grid Analysis and Display System
                  software. See the aareadme in the grads directory for more
read_cidc_sftwr/  Sample programs in FORTRAN, C and IDL languages to read the
                  CIDC data. Compiled versions for different operating systems
                  have been provided.
xwin/             Directory that contains a demonstration version of the 
                  XWin32 X Server.


Points of Contact

For information about or assistance in using any DAAC data, contact

        EOS Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) 
        Code 902.2 
        NASA Goddard Space Flight Center 
        Greenbelt, Maryland 20771 
        301-614-5224 (voice) 
        301-614-5268 (fax)

NASA GSFC Goddard DAAC cidc site

Last update:Fri Sep 19 14:57:33 EDT 1997
Page Author: H. Lee Kyle --
Web Curator: Daniel Ziskin --
NASA official: Paul Chan, DAAC Manager --